Today on Moms on Mondays I am happy to feature Caroline from Itsy Gypsy! This mama has the cutest shop full of fancy dresses, at affordable prices, for your little girl. I love all of the stuff she carries and totally need to purchase something for Lemon, although I would buy and then when it came I wouldn't be able to ever get it off of her! (Totally a princess for life around our house!) Check out Caroline's post and then buy a dress in her shop, you will totally love them all! And, she's making it even easier for you to shop today with 20% off your order using code MONDAY today only!! :)
My website is Itsy Gypsy and I'm also on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
We sell children’s clothing (girls only for now), which are
Vintage and Bohemian inspired. Our sizes average mostly between 2-8yrs. We love
to mix vintage and modern and find the cutest and most hip items with lots of
lace, crochet and other details that create a free-spirit look. We have everything
you need to make your girls look as the cutest princesses, or coolest little
chicks on the block!
My full-time job is and will always be to be a mother. However, as
I watch my little one get older, I’ve started to feel the need to do more in
other areas of my life as well. It was easy for me to figure out what I dreamed
of doing because I knew I’d want to do it from home, and I also knew it had to
be something I’m passionate about! That’s what ItsyGypsy is to me - I LOVE my
little company, through good and bad times.
I’ve worked on the idea for a long time, but our shop is fairly
new. We just launched our website in June 2014! We’re enjoying seeing it grow
I’m a certified Makeup Artist and have freelanced in that field
for the past 7 years. I will ALWAYS love makeup, and will still work with it
when the opportunity pops up, but my true love is ItsyGypsy! Aside from that,
I’m honestly just happy to call motherhood my career.
I was born and raised in Brazil. I finished high school in Salt
Lake City, Utah and eventually met my husband, who happened to be going to
College in Utah as well. We had a pretty crazy story and met online (which was
not popular back in 2003!) and distance dated for 2 years. We got married in
2005 and lived in Utah for a while. My husband is originally from Los Angeles,
CA and so ended up moving back to sunny So-Cal : ) We have one little girl, our
little princess Dara Vienne, who is 5, and my inspiration behind ItsyGypsy. We
say we are a family of everything “online" . . . My husband owns an online business
as well, so both of us are able to work from home and enjoy each other
everyday. We love the beach and our life here in California!
This company first of all, helps me to be happy and feel more
accomplished! I enjoy what I do, and anytime I see a child in one of our items
that puts a smile on my face. That keeps me going. Having an extra income in
the home is a great help too, but I consider this company to be my daughter’s
“baby” just as much as it is mine. The money we make with this store can be a
great help with our savings, and our extra expenses right now.
I’ve always had a dream to be doing something like this. My
husband and I talked about my ideas many times, but I’ve always had a lot of
fears and reservations. Once my husband took his online company from a “side
job” to a real business, I realized I could pursue something I loved while
working from home as well. I then found the courage to chase it!
My husband is my biggest supporter, and although he is very busy
with his own business, he’s helped my a lot through the process of learning
about my new online venture. I can’t forget my Dara, who is my happy little
model whenever I need her, helps me pick and name new products and jumps with excitement
when a new shipment arrives! She’s definitely my favorite little helper, but
aside from my family, I do all the work myself.
It has been crazy and I’m still learning how to deal with
everything that needs to be done at home and at work. I find that whenever I
prioritize things and do what’s most important first, the day goes a lot
better. Maintaining a strong Spirit is very important to me. I like to start
and end my day with a prayer and read a little bit of my scriptures in the
morning. It gets me ready for the day. My daughter is in Kindergarten now, so I
use the mornings to get a lot of my work done, and then I make sure to spend
some time with her when she’s home with me. I love to have my house perfectly
clean and neat, but I’m learning to relax and just let it go when needed.
I love that it makes me learn everyday and gives me a sense of
responsibility aside from my wife/mother responsibilities, but what I love the
most – ARE THE CLOTHES! It’s such a joy sourcing the styles that fit our shop.
Another favorite is getting new shipment from our manufacturers…I kind of “squeal”
along with my daughter every time we get one! I LOVE working on my own designs
as well, and my dream right now is to get that off the ground and launched as
soon as possible.
Definitely the behind the scenes of keeping up with the website
and its occasional issues. Doing everything yourself is really tough, so
maintaining the quality control of every product and inventory levels can be
really tricky and time consuming as well.
I can’t wait to see what the future holds, but all I hope for is to
keep making our company grow. I want to let my creativity go free and always
have fun in this business, no matter how hard the work may get. My goal is to
keep it where it’s making me happy. I don’t ever want Itsy Gypsy to turn into a
chore that takes me completely away from the regular joys of life, especially
my family.
It will be harder than you think, and it will take patience and time,
but as long as it’s something you LOVE, it will definitely be worth it! Never
give up, be brave and push forward!
I’m definitely inspired by stores like Free People and Anthropologie!
Some of the other online children’s shops that I follow and love, make
“handmade” products like shoes by K & Elphy, accessories by Hip Chixie, flower
crowns by Kenzie Jaws, booties by Threads and Arrows, clothing by
Lunaflect Co. and Sly Fox Threads . . . too many to name! I love unique items!
Thanks Caroline!