Over New Years we headed up to Sedona to see the snow. It was a creepy drive (so much fog and snow!) and Ian was nervous of ice the whole way but we made it and I was SO happy, it was so beautiful! Take a drive to Sedona if it's snowing, you won't regret it. This was Lemon's first snow (there was none last year and the year before she was too little to go) and I'm so glad we went, we all had so much fun!
She was nervous at first and wouldn't go out in it but after a bit she warmed up to it and loved it!
It snowed almost all day/night that first day (New Years Eve). I can't tell you the last time I was in snow where it was actually snowing like this, so much. It was so magical.
We of course had to build a snowman! Someone talked about it all the way up, the minute she saw snow, and wanted out of the car the whole time. She finally got her wish when we pulled into the hotel!
Miranda, Jason and Jonah and their friends met us and stayed the night too. After a day of playing we were off to dinner together!
Lemon looked so cute in her cold weather outfit when heading out to dinner. Then her and Jonah had tickle fights at Picazzo's - so yummy and fun!
We were all so tired after dinner, we couldn't wait to crawl into bed in our warm hotel room. The Days Inn outside of town in Sedona rules, they even have one bedroom suites so we could put Lemon to bed and stay up for a bit.
At around 10, Ian and I toasted with our apple cider and whiskey drinks and then went to bed, we couldn't make it until midnight!
At around midnight I woke up in our room because Lemon's sound machine was off and it was cold. Outside I saw flickering like someone built a bonfire but when I looked outside I saw just a fire and sparks but no people, it looked like a power line came down, in the snow. I tried calling the front desk and no one answered so I threw on some clothes and went out to see what was going on. A car was shining its headlights at the fire and police pulled up and told the car to back up, because the ground was wet and it was an electrical line. Then, as I was standing there (after I texted Miranda and she came down to see), a firetruck pulled up. They were all standing around and no one knew what to do so we went inside and decided to go back to bed, thinking someone from the power company would come and fix it. It was just so close to our room, I was afraid they would knock, wake us all up and tell us to move rooms. I couldn't sleep the rest of the night because I was nervous about it, the power kept going in and out (and Lemon would wake up every time her sound machine came back on) and it was cold then hot then cold then hot. I slept really badly and so did she but she was ready to go the next morning at 6:45, wanting me to put her snow clothes on to go back out and play!
Ready. I can't believe moms get their kids dressed like this all the time, that live in snowy places, no thanks! It's a lot of work!
Lemon loved the sled (that Christine let us borrow) and after everyone went inside to pack up, we found a little road to sled down and it was SO MUCH FUN. I went with her, we both fit, and we had a blast. We, of course, forgot our phones, so have no picture/video of this, but I will always remember sledding down this hill with her. It was one of the best moments of my life.
Ian was knocking the snow off the branches and the kids were loving it!
As Lemon got colder, hungrier and more tired we got a lot of "hold you." I think after two days she was kind of over the cold and ready to get warm and go home. It was also pretty deep and snowy, I would imagine that we be so strange for this Arizona baby of ours!
Such fun with friends!
On our way out of town we stopped for lunch at a vegan restaurant but after hearing their gluten free options I was a bit nervous (especially with a 2 hour drive home) so we skipped it and headed to Whole Foods for snacks instead and then we were off!
We were so tired when we got home we put Lemon down for a late nap, watched a movie and then woke her up to eat dinner and then put her back to bed. It was a super fast, fun, and successful trip! I hope it snows again next year so we can do it again!

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