(Lemon's dress is from Polarn O. Pyret and the polka dot bag is the bag ThredUp sends you!)
I recently watched this video, about where all of our old, cheap clothes end up, and it inspired me to not want to "waste" clothing. I stopped impulse buying clothes and started thinking about where all of our clothes that we don't want, go in the end. It was really informative and a great message for Earth Day - think about where all of your unwanted clothes end up. ThredUp and Polarn O Pyret have a solution for you!
(Video is from this site.)
Here's how it all works:
When you receive your polka dot ThredUp bag: Fill the bag with freshly-washed, name-brand clothing with no signs of wear or tear. Before sending the bag off, register it to make sure you get credit, the link to register the bag is on the bag itself.
The amount of credit from Polarn O. Pyret varies but usually you will get 10-40% of the resale value of your accepted clothing in credit (see an example here).
After you fill up your bag with clothing/shoes, leave it on your doorstep or by your mailbox so your mail person can pick it up. Or, drop it off at any post office or UPS location. ThredUP then processes the clothing and will notify you with how much you've earned, then they will resell the clothes in their online shop.
The whole process can take up to 2 weeks for ThredUp to receive your bag. They will email you when they get it and then it takes an additional 5-10 days to review your items, they will then notify you, in another email, of your credit. Then, Polarn O. Pyret will take another 5-7 days to receive that information from them, and give you your gift certificate to their store.
Please be advised: ThredUp has strict quality standards and typically accepts 40-50% of the clothing they receive. For many, it's jut so convenient to pack it up and ship it off, more so then bringing a bag to Goodwill. And, if you are going to donate it anyway, you might as well try to get credit for some of it! (Please note that ThredUp is not looking for items from lower-end shops where the price point begins at $20.)
To try out ThredUp and earn credit to PO.P's online shop, send an email to thredup@polarnopyretusa.com and they will send you free bags with prepaid labels! You can send in mama or kids clothes/shoes to ThredUp using the bags they send you, but the credit you receive will be for Polarn O. Pyret's online shop, which is a kids' clothing shop.
Try it out for free, earn credit for recycling your used clothes and celebrate Earth Day today! :)

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