This week I am highlighting Angela from A Ha! Creations. I also reviewed her shop back in February when I did my last moccasin review and now she has expanded her shop to make tops, leggings, skirts, shorts and even rompers! She seems like such a sweetheart, her family is just so cute and I need one of those vintage style rompers like - yesterday! I hope that after you read her feature below, you go and shop! (Check out a tiny Lemon in her moccs, I am dying!)
My shop name is A Ha! Creations. I came up with this name by using my girls' initials: Ainsley (A) and Harper (H) Andrews (A).
Tell us about what you make/sell in your shop. How/why did you start making these products and open this shop? How long have you been in business?
I have a little bit of everything in my shop; leggings/shorties, onesies, moccasins, and vintage inspired rompers/sunsuits. I started out making headbands for my girls, which got a bit of attention when they wore them. I decided to open an Etsy shop selling them but soon expanded and started making other items as well! I have since moved away from Etsy and you can find my shop at Store Envy (and I am also on Facebook and Instagram). I have had my shop for almost two years now.
What is your background (college/career/etc.)?
I stay at home with my girls, I also have been homeschooling Ainsley. I keep my niece during the week as well. I am a certified Residential Planner and was pursuing a full degree in Interior Design. After having Harper, school has, unfortunately, taken a back seat.
Tell us a little bit about your family.
I have been married for 7 years and I met my husband, Scott, when I was only 17! We got married 3 years later and had our first daughter, Ainsley, later that year. We welcomed Harper in November 2012. Funny enough, both of my girls' birthdays falls on the 15th of the month! We just recently moved into our own home, across the street from my Mother-in-Law! I joke that my life is an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond, just a really good episode. :)
How does this company help your family? Or you?
Since my shop has been picking up business, it has helped tremendously! We are basically a one income family, I do bring in a little for watching my niece, but having this shop allows a little room for us to breathe!
Did you ever think you'd be doing this? What did you think you'd be doing instead?
I can't say that I ever imagined this for myself, but I have always loved sewing. Now I can't see myself doing anything but this!
Does anyone help you with your shop? How do you find time to run your shop and create products?
I am currently a one-woman show, sewing during nap time and after my kids go to bed. I do have to give my husband some credit for watching the girls on weekends so I can get extra work done!
What do you love about this businesses?
There are so many things I love about this business! Probably one of my favorites is seeing all of your adorable littles wearing my items! It's also not a bad gig doing something that I love ever day!
What is the most challenging part of this business?
HARPER! I call her Hurricane Harper because she is absolutely nuts! There is no way I can do anything shop related if she is awake! There have been a few times where I try to do a little, like cutting fabric, to find that she has snagged my scissors or pins and is running around with them, or she has taken advantage of the fact that I'm not paying attention and plays in the toilet! Gross, I know, but she really likes it - I have had to buy locks for the lids!
Where do you see your shop in the future?
I would love to continue growing my business and ideally end up being a household name! I dream big. :)
Tell us your favorite product or your most favorite thing you've created?
I just finished a vintage romper for Harper and I am IN LOVE! They are in the shop!
Do you have any advice for future mom-entrepreneurs?
Don't get discouraged if your shop doesn't take off right away. I have been in business for almost two years and I have just now seen a boost in the last 6 months or so! It definitely takes time.
What are some of YOUR favorite shops/products, besides your own?
Oh wow, there are so many! I love Riley Clay Designs and Hudson + Ruthie. They have super cute and unique clothing for both Mama and baby!
Thanks Angela for sharing a bit of your shop, and your family, with us!

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