Today we have Kim from Wise Birds Co. who makes the cutest leggings! I had never personally seen cropped leggings before she sent Lemon a couple of pairs and they are so cute (see pics below)!! Perfect for Spring and Fall here in AZ when it's too hot for leggings but still not too hot, they also seemed so comfy and Lemon really liked them! Thanks Kim for writing about your shop today, now go and check out her store and buy some clothes for your kiddos! :)
My shop is Wise Birds Co. and you can also find us on Instagram. I currently sell leggings, harems, skirts, bubble bloomers, and soon rompers in my shop!
When I was pregnant with my third child, I discovered Instagram shopping (yikes!) and I came across the cutest baby leggings that I have ever seen. Then, I realized all of these leggings were in the $40 price range, and decided that I really wanted to learn how to make them myself. I hadn't sewn a day in my life, but I told my Mom (who does sew, and used to make a lot of my clothes when I was little) that I wanted a sewing machine for my birthday. Well, her and my Dad got me one and I was determined to learn how to make leggings!
My shop started as just a resell shop where I sold my kids' clothes, but then I started posting pictures of some of the leggings I made, and when my followers started showing interest I decided to start selling them. I eventually opened a separate page for my clothing resell shop. I have found that I absolutely love sewing and I love trying out new things and patterns! I think my first sale was some Christmas leggings in December 2013.
I graduated with an Organizational Studies degree from Arizona State University, which was a huge accomplishment. I worked full-time, had two kids, and Ella on the way. I was five months pregnant when I graduated. I actually spent over 14 years in the banking industry! I worked as an Assistant Manager right up until I had Ella.
I have a husband named Ed, who is four years younger than me (cradle robber, I know!). :) And, I am a Mom to three: Ava (6), Gavin (4) and Ella (14 months). We also have a beagle/bulldog mix named Kingston.
This company helps my family in more ways than one. After I had Ella I really did not want to return to work. I was working full-time, and my kids spent over ten hours a day in daycare. They were dropped off at around 8am and weren't picked up until right before daycare closed at around 6:30pm. This absolutely broke my heart! We would literally see our kids a couple of hours a day, a little before work and a little in the evening, right before bed. I was sick of it and complained to my husband all of the time. After having Ella I was determined we could find a way to make it work. Well, thankfully I came across this Instagram community, and found a new passion in sewing, and now earn an income while being at home. Although sometimes I feel guilty because I spend a lot of time at home sewing, rather than playing with my kids, but I have to think that at least I'm here and they're not sitting in daycare all day! I get to hang out with them and eat breakfast and lunch with them everyday. Even though they drive me crazy on a daily basis, I am truly thankful for my customers whose purchases allow me to stay home with my kids!
I never thought, in a million years, I'd be doing anything liked this! I not only have a sewing machine now, but also a serger. I self-taught myself how to use both and haven't taken any sewing lessons. I always dreamed of finding something I could do from home, but never thought it would be this! I figured I'd retire from the banking industry!
Nobody helps me run my shop. Unless you count my kids wanting to help me with my package labels, or my husband who gives me business advice. Other than that I'm a one woman show! [Amazing!]
Finding time is one of the hard parts. I start sewing in the morning, but I usually get interrupted by my two older kids constantly fighting, or by the baby who is tugging at my legs. I have to stop to make them lunches, put the baby down for a nap, etc. Some people sew all night long, but honestly in the evening I just want to plop on the couch and hang out with my husband. So, I usually do all of my sewing during the day and on weekends.
I love creating things and seeing the final product, on not only my own kids, but my customer's kids too. It puts a smile on my face every time I'm tagged in someone's picture where their kid is wearing my stuff! I'm also just proud of myself for coming so far in a short amount of time, and getting to do something I actually love for work, instead of a 9-5 job in banking that I always complained about!
The most challenging part of this business is still trying to figure out the right balance of work time/family time. Since I work from home now it all blends together. My kids know, though, that I have to sew so I can make lots of money so we can buy toys! Haha! :) Another challenge is finding the time to create new things. I'm so busy filling orders (which is great!), but I'd love a little extra time to start new projects! It's also a challenge to hold back from making Ella something out of every new fabric I get! :)
I'd like to be doing this for a long time and to be able to continue to provide for my family, while being at home. I obviously would love for this company to grow into great things. It's only been about seven months so I think I'm off to a pretty good start. I want to create new pieces that are very original, so I need to put my little creative mind to use! :)
Every new thing that I create, and master, becomes my favorite. :) Right now I'm kind of in love with my bubble bloomers! I've made a few pairs for Ella and they are so adorable! I can't wait to get lots of tags on those!! I have yet to start the romper I have a pattern for, so I'm really looking forward to that!
My advice for future mom-entrepreneurs would be to go for it and don't doubt that you are capable. I went from zero sewing experience, and not knowing a thing about fabrics and sewing terms. Now I feel like I can hold my own with fellow seamstresses. I still have so much to learn, but I jumped in and I'm so happy I did!
Some of my favorite handmade shops are Southern Adoornments, Nikki is so sweet and creates amazing pieces, she is so talented! I love Handmade is Haute - it's not often that you find a shop that creates similar products to yours who doesn't treat you like their competition, Rachel has been a great supporter of my shop and I love talking business with her! Lauren from Feather and Filly is my go-to mocc maker! We text almost daily. :) Ugh... there are so many, I can go on and on, but those are a few that have been very supportive of me and my business. :)
Thanks Kim for posting!

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