This week I am delighted to feature Katie from The Doo Bob Shop! This mama is so sweet, I can just tell through our communication and her family photos - such a beautiful family! She works part time and creates these goodies in her spare time (what's that?!) and they are oh so cute! Read her post below and then go shop!
Katie sent Lemon some mouse ears, a head wrap, some hair clips and a bracelet - and her packaging was to die for! You've got to order something to see how she wraps it up, I won't spoil it for you!
What is the name of your shop and how can we find you?
My shop is called The Doo Bob Shop and you can find me on Facebook and Instagram.
Tell us about what you make/sell in your shop.
I make hair accessories, jewelry and sometimes plush play items for kids (primarily girls right now). I make headbands, clips, bracelets, necklaces, pillows, party décor and gift wrap items. I love to make all sorts of odds and ends. What I make really just depends on my mood, season and what I'm inspired by at the time in terms of my surroundings, color, textiles and the supplies I have on hand. Lately I've been on a bracelet, bow and Minnie Mouse kick; I am inspired by my little girl and she is really into Disney and jewelry right now. :)
(All product images from
How/why did you start making these products and open this shop?
I started my shop a couple years ago after I had my daughter. She had a ton of hair at birth and I shopped a lot on etsy for unique hair clips, bows and headbands for her. I was so inspired by what I found! There are so many talented women out there creating things and it inspired me to create my own. I have always LOVED making things and have been a craft and handmade lover my whole life. My mom used to make things when I was growing up and I would go with her on the weekends to boutiques and craft shows. I'd help her set up her table and then I would walk around the shows for hours while she sold her goodies. It brings back great memories for me . . . I love handmade and find so much happiness in creating things for others.
I started my Etsy shop in 2013 and it's been a slow process for me. I have 2 little ones now and I work part time too, so it's been hard to focus on it. I try to make things as often as possible to stay current. I have always dreamed of having a full day a week to make things, but right now I primarily make things while my kids nap on my days off work.
What is your background?
For the past 14 years I have been a licensed cosmetologist working in San Diego, California at a well-known salon and spa where I am a hair stylist and makeup artist. I love it! It's very social and I love the freedom I have with my schedule. I am an independent contractor so it really allows me a ton of time with my kids. In 2008, I also attended the Art Institute of California San Diego, and earned my Bachelor of Science Degree in Fashion Marketing and Management. I graduated in 2010, and from there got married and had two children. Since graduation, I have continued doing hair and expanded my business into a company called A Dab Will Do You (an online website/business dedicated to hair and makeup services for brides). I do a lot of wedding and events on location, and work in the salon doing haircuts and color 3 days a week. I love to create for my Etsy shop, on the side, and dream about lots of other potential endeavors for the future. I see myself as a entrepreneur and want to have my own business someday. Although I’m not sure what that looks like yet!
Tell us a little bit about your family.
I’m originally from a small town in Northern MN and am an only child. {Me too!} I moved to San Diego in 1999, on a whim, with my high school boyfriend who joined the military and got stationed here. The relationship didn’t last, but I stayed here in San Diego. I eventually met my husband who was born here in SoCal and his whole family is here. We dated for 10 years before we got married in 2011. We have 2 amazing kiddos named Evie (2 ½) and Vincent (7 months) and are just enjoying this wonderful ride we call life. My parents visit frequently and we go to MN every other year for a white Christmas. My mom and dad have lots of brothers and sisters, so our Minnesota trips are always filled with family and it’s wonderful to share that with my kids. My husband’s family is a very tight knit, warm and loving family, so it’s amazing for me considering I am so far from where I grew up. I do feel like San Diego is home now, especially with this weather!
How does this company help your family? Or you?
Honestly, when I started my shop I thought if it would help pay for my supplies I would be happy, and I am! I always tell my husband, “I do it because I enjoy it, not to make money.” For me, that is just a bonus. I like seeing people enjoying the things I create - that's what gets me inspired and keeps me going! :)
Did you ever think you'd be doing this? What did you think you'd be doing instead?
I always knew I would craft/create on some level. I have so many things I want to make and not enough time in the day to do it! I have a lot of interests and this is a great creative outlet for me.
Does anyone help you with your shop?
My husband helps by watching the kids here and there so I can have an hour at the table to create with out interruption. Other than that, I am a one woman show! I am just now getting my shop out there and trying to gain an audience for my items. I see a lot of potential but I have been scared to take the next step knowing it will be more time consuming. I am continually inspired by other shops out there who have amazing handmade items and they crank them out by the masses by themselves! Once I gain more of an audience, and I can see what people really like about my shop, I will probably narrow down my shop items and focus on the key things that people like. I know eventually if there is a need my daughter will love to help!
How do you find time to run your shop and create products?
This is the thing I struggle with the most. I want to work on things way more than I actually can find the time for. In the upcoming months I’d like to build my Etsy business into my weekly schedule. Right now, it’s a “when I can find a few minutes” sort of thing, mostly because on my days off work. I am enjoying my kids and involved in activities for them which leaves me with little time to create.
What do you love about this businesses?
I put a lot of thought and love into my designs. I am always overjoyed when I make an Etsy sale or get a “like” or new “follower” on Instagram. This business is very gratifying. Creating things for others brings me so much joy! Wrapping up a package for a customer and dropping it in the mail to them is so exciting for me, I live for that! Knowing they will be excited to open something from little ol’ me! Other than that, the community on Instagram as I get into it has been so fun and social for me as well. I’ve been able to connect with other shop owners I admire and it’s really fun!
What is the most challenging part of this business?
Because I have small kids and I work, it’s hard to find the time to commit to it, but that is something I am working on and want to improve upon. Based on what I’ve seen, I think a lot of shops have had great success once they have found their niche and taken the leap. I hope I’m lucky enough to have the same result! I also need a bigger space to create in, but don't we all! {Yes!}
Where do you see your shop in the future?
I would really like my shop to grow in terms of an audience, that would be my goal right now. To meet and work with others, promoting my items and getting my goodies off into the hands of others who enjoy it as much as I do.
Tell us your favorite product or your most favorite thing you've created.
Right now, I love the Minnie Mouse ears! I am addicted to fabric and saw a need for a girly Mouse Ear so naturally; I created it for my daughter. I like things that are different and I don’t love the manufactured look. I am also really into my charm bracelets right now. I have been experimenting with styles I haven’t already seen other shops already do. I’ve been using leather and trying the adjustable alternative to clasps for little hands. I also really like all the one of a kind clips and headbands in my shop. Oh - and the baby doll bedding and throw pillows are really fun to create!
Do you have any advice for future mom-entrepreneurs?
Yes, I think connecting with other shops and other shop mamas is great fun. I highly recommend doing it. Just getting yourself, and your product out there. Instagram is great for this, although I am still learing how. I would say, don’t give up on your dreams, make the time (I’m working on it too). Continue to be YOU. You aren’t just a mom, a wife ect., you can be whatever you want to be on top of those wonderful things. You just have to keep going! Do it for you. <3
What are some of YOUR favorite shops/products, besides your own?
Shops/people I love are listed below, just to name a few. For their products and inspiration, and for just being darn cool people! Some of them don't know I exist, but hey . . . I'll get there right!? :)
@littlefeatherthreads @thealisonshow
@studiomucci @gluishthreads
@amandarydell @candykirbydesigns
@hudsonandruthie @ohjoy
@pegandplum @free_babes
@littlehipsqueaks @_bluemonet
@freshlypicked @freshbakedpapergoods
@sollybabywrap @maggieholmes
@snapbibs @benziedesign
@abeautifulmessofficial @shopsweetthreads
@cococakeland @meethaha
Thanks Katie, it was so nice to "meet" you! :)

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