I am so not in the mood to blog today, I just want to sit at my computer and veg out and surf the net. And, I have so many pics I want to post and none of them will download onto my computer at the moment so it is SUPER frustrating!! Ugh.
I have approached the 30 week, 3rd trimester mark and although I am still feeling good I have definitely felt "pregnant" these past two weeks. I woke Ian up the other night trying to breathe and moan through a nasty charlie horse that left my calf sore for 4 days (it's STILL sore), and the other day (maybe I already wrote about it) I got a crazy foot cramp that he had to run in and rescue me from too! My muscles cramp up so much that I can't move them and they don't move themselves, they get stuck, it is the weirdest thing! Last time I took magnesium to help so I started taking that again this week, I don't want another charlie horse like that, it was horrible.
I also feel super pregnant and things at yoga are getting tougher and tougher for me to do. I look around at what everyone else can do and how far they can go and think "that used to be me" and get kind of depressed. My face is starting to fill in and those dark spots (what are those?!) are starting to come out and I'm just feeling more and more like this is the real deal (totes didn't before, too funny).
I also have started to think about birth and how much I'm dreading doing that again, even though I had a great experience last time, I just remember every single second of how painful it was and don't really have any desire to do it again. I did it drug free last time and am considering drugs this time, I am just so fearful of being stuck in bed, I lunged my way down the hallway last time! These thoughts fly into my head when I am awake at 3am and then I can't go back to sleep, I just spend the whole time worrying and then I'm tired. I went from not sleeping well my 1st trimester, to sleeping great and now back to my 3am wakeups. Not uncomfortable, baby not waking me up - I just wake up and then can't shut my mind off and go back to sleep. Anyone else super fearful of giving birth a second time, after knowing what it was like and experiencing it a first time? I would love to hear how much easier it was for you, might get my spirits up! (If you are interested in reading Lemon's birth story, it can be found here.)
Did my glucose test with jelly beans (19!) this past week and passed! Look up this study and tell your doctor, you can totally do jelly beans instead of drinking that horrible drink!
I will attempt to recap these past two weeks in photos, I am totally aware that there are a lot. We took Lemon on our baby moon to Coronado, our fave vacation spot, for Spring Break and had SO MUCH FUN. I was super nostalgic the whole time, thinking about how we went during Spring when I was pregnant with her, and then how it was our last trip as a family of 3. I also lay awake at night wondering what life is going to be like for all of us when this boy comes, it just seems like we've got a great groove going (finally) and life is just easy and things are great, I'm so nervous about mixing a tiny baby into our family, excited but nervous. Is this a normal thought? Please tell me it's normal. :)
This may just seem like a weird picture of a mole. But, this mole is super meaningful to me. It is huge and has been on my body for 37 years. When Lemon was a baby and she'd root around for my nipple, she'd sometimes find this mole and try to nurse from it. When she got a bit older, she would play with it and touch it, it was her comfort thing on my body, how she knew she was safe and with her mama. She scratched it, bit it, sucked it and many times made it super painful, but it meant so much in our relationship. After thinking long and hard, and at the recommendation of my dermatologist, I had it removed this past week and it was bittersweet. I am excited another baby won't be pulling on it and messing with it, but sad such an important piece of me is gone. Of course they had to send it out for testing but I wish I could have kept it in a jar for posterity. Weird, I know.
Making lasagna with my babe:
Sugar Bowl fun with friends:
Our nephew's 6th birthday party:
Before we left on our Spring Break trip Lemon got to come and see us at school, since we had a half day (only 30 minute classes). It was so fun, I love when she visits and she loved it too! She couldn't get over how Ian has a little potty and sink in his classroom (it used to be the old Child Development classroom), she thought it was so cool!
Driving and arriving on Coronado:
Lemon's shirt is Sweet Tees Apparel
Our first full day:
My shirt is Sweet Tees Apparel
Our second day:
Their shirts are Little Faces Apparel
Finally got to see these girls together!
Before we left the next morning, we had to get in some shell collecting with some friends:
Washing shells we collected on our trip. She finally loves shell collecting as much as her mama, I am so happy!!
Making her favorite dinner, pad thai:
We've been collecting snow globes for her since she was in the womb, she finally got to play with all of them and loved it. Of course they all had conversations and I had to "be" one of them too.
And end of break ice cream treat ended with a fire truck visit. It was Lemon's first experience seeing (and being in) a firetruck - so fun!
She also started acting classes this week, it's a Play Pretend class for 3-4 year olds and Ian got kicked out of the theater and couldn't see what they were doing! She was nervous about it but afterwards she was excited and can't wait to go back. I hope we get to see what they do in there one day!
Makeup session:
This moment is something I want to remember. We went to a friend's birthday party and Lemon and this little girl are barely a month apart and played/pretended/shared together the whole time. It was the first time she has played with someone so close to her age, and played so well, it was so fun to see. I am so looking forward to her having little girl friends at school!
End of break cookie date:
Getting ready to go back to school always requires a grocery trip:
So many babies, so little time. In love with babies, can't wait to be a big sister.

I'm coming up on 35 weeks & YES the insomnia was so real around 28-31 weeks!! This is my first, so I didn't have any stress about the whole birth process on my mind, but I did have so many other thoughts & stresses keeping me up. I felt like I just couldn't turn my brain off. Luckily, the insomnia goes away, but now at 35 weeks, turning over/moving/leg cramps wake me up every 2 hours or so :( You look wonderful & you're so brave for wearing a bikini with your belly! I don't think I'd be that brave!
ReplyDeleteYes, I totally felt nervous and excited of course about adding a second child to my life! I felt we had a good thing going and my daughter and I are so close I didn't want to make her feel jealous or share my time with her. I was really scared about how she'd handle it. She impressed me so much though! She is completely in love with her little brother, it's so sweet!! All of a sudden we can't imagine life without him.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I was very much afraid of birthing the second baby too. Although once labor was going the nerves kind of went away since I knew what was coming!
Your awesome family is only going to get better with the little guy :-D