I spent two hours yesterday organizing and writing this post, saved it and then got home and opened a window that was minimized on my computer, and it was this post. It auto saved before I closed it and now I'm back to posting/organizing again. I googled and googled how to get my post back and it's gone forever and now I'm so grumpy I have to redo it. Shame on you blogger, this almost makes me want to move my blog. Ugh. So, here I go again (it won't be as good and will be less than it was before, so annoying) . . .
It was awesome being a stay at home mom to my little Lemon for 8 days over Spring Break, I can't wait to do it again after May 21st, come on summer!!
We celebrated the start of Spring Break, and Brittany (our friend and Lemon's nanny) being with us for 10 weeks by going to dinner the first night of break with friends.
How to entertain your toddler while you clean, something new to play with - Easter eggs!
We are trying to spend as much time outside as possible, before it gets brutally hot, so we met my dad for lunch at the park.
This laying in the dirt baby had no idea that in just a couple of days she would be going to the beach!
We toured a school for Lemon to go to next year, if we don't have Brittany (we won't hire another nanny) and she loved it, and so did we! They have a chicken coop where they collect eggs, do yoga and spend a lot of time outside - so much different than a regular daycare. Woo!
A zoo trip was necessary, of course.
Splash pad time is back! Yay!
Lazy mornings and bed head, my favorite!
We never get to go to Gymboree with our girl so two in one day, Play and then Music was a special treat and someone was worn out afterwards!
So much climbing, so adventurous!
Chasing bubbles
While I was packing for our trip, Lemon entertained herself. She is so good and playing by herself and never really gets bored or fussy.
That night, before we left for our trip, Lemon surprised us at dinner by being able to count to 10, all on her own, unprompted. She has counting books and they count all the time on Bubble Guppies, but who knew should could do this? And without our help?! So cool!!
I packed way too much, like always. Can't wait until we don't need a pack 'n play! And no road trip would be complete without a car diaper change. Lemon did great on the road, she only napped about 30 minutes total (in a 5.5 hour drive) but watched movies, ate snacks/lunch in her car seat and loved getting out and exploring new places (Dateland!). She didn't fuss once and no one had to sit in the back with her, this girl was made for vacations - just like her mama!
We got to the hotel at around 3pm (the earliest we've ever gotten to San Diego!) and Lemon loved her new surroundings, especially the giant bed. I thought she would feel strange in a new place but she didn't, she was right at home (note the topless pic with remote in hand)!
The hotel we stay at on Coronado Island is on the harbor side close to plenty of restaurants and even a little beach, and incredible views. Lemon loved the weather, the flowers and most of all, the sand!
I wore the ergo so much on this trip and I loved carrying my big girl, having her close and being able to kiss her whenever I wanted. We walked everywhere, the weather was beautiful and she loved being close to me too, we even nursed in the ergo, something I could never get the hang off when she was just a little muffin (and something super difficult now because she's bigger and I have no boobs left!).
This girl has played in the dirt in our side yard for MONTHS. She has sand toys that are really just dirt toys and she had no idea that anything like this existed (even though she was here as a little muffin). This harbor side mini beach was the best thing that ever happened to this girl, and if you watch the videos (above) you will see that she just lays face first in the sand, loving every minute of it. She played with all of her toys, in actual sand, and couldn't believe it. I love that every experience is new and fun for her, it is so awesome to watch. One of the best moments of my life.
We chased the sun on that first night and then when it got cold we headed back to the hotel to change and then go to dinner at one of our favorite places, Burger Lounge!
Lemon's new favorite thing, knocking on doors (thanks to Bubble Guppies!). Not so great when you're at a hotel!
Counting again!
Loved her organic, grass fed burger and fries and Ian loved his elk burger, can't wait to go back! We wrapped Lemon in my sweater when it started to get cold and this was the first thing that made me remember my dad doing for me, when I was little. Seeing her bundled up reminded me of when I was a baby, so cool and so cute.
We all went to bed early and Lemon slept great after a bit of a rough time falling asleep. We had to leave the room and sit outside in order for her to go to bed, she couldn't see or hear us in the hotel room, from her pack n' play and go to sleep. She slept all night and so did we, what is it about the beach that gives you the best sleep ever? Or the ocean sound coming from her sound machine? I slept better than I had in weeks!
We were off to Silver Strand beach, after breakfast, to collect shells. Hardly anyone on the beach at 8:30am but really warm water. Lemon picked up every shell, she definitely shares my passion for shell collecting!
Beach diaper change!
After a nap, and trip to the grocery store for lunch, we were back at the beach again. Ian built sand castles with Lemon while I laid on the sand. A friend and her son met us at the beach (who we met last year for Lemon's birthday there) and it was good to see them!
Went to the store in my pjs then back to the hotel to get ready for an afternoon at the beach!
A mini-walk to the store for dinner. I love that there is a healthy market (with lots of gluten free options) right by our hotel!
The next morning we packed up to go home (total bummer and too short of a trip!), but before we left we had to go get some more shells!
We watched Frozen a lot on this trip and every time Lemon woke up from a nap or in the morning, she requested "snowman." How could we deny this face? She thought the portable DVD player was the coolest, her own mini TV!
After a quick stop at the sand dunes for some pics, we were home again by around 5pm (stupid traffic!). Lemon did great on the way back and was happy to be home. All of her toys were new again and she loved seeing the dogs! Lemon is always the best baby on vacation, she loves doing and seeing new things, and even being somewhere new. She is so adaptable, she makes me really try (and want to be) adaptable like her. She sleeps great, is in the best mood and is always so much fun when we are on vacation. I don't know why I ever worry about her, or why we don't go more places!!
The next morning Lemon and I went to Phoenix Flea to see some friends and do some shopping, that didn't happen, and then were back home for a nap before her cousin, Reggie's, birthday party. I wish I could have stayed longer at the Flea but we had just gotten home the day before and this girl was tired and grumpy. She slept forever and we were late to the party!
Sunday morning Lemon and I met the ladies for brunch! So much fun and I had the best gluten free french toast at Cafe Zuzu at the Hotel Valley Ho.

Sunday night, after playing in the yard a bit (with her new water table!) we were off to my dad's for a late St. Patty's Day dinner of corned beef and cabbage. Truly in my dad's style, he made beef that had aged for almost a month in his fridge. But, it was delicious!
Everywhere that Lemon goes now is a new place and my dad's was no exception, even though she'd been there before! She loved dancing, playing on his bed and most of all - chasing the cat. This was also where she first did her "helllooooo" after someone knocks on my dad's bedroom door and then threw a giant tantrum when we tried to take her home. She was seriously having so much fun (see videos, below).

What a dream come true!! I am counting down the days to my spring break, and then of course to summer!! That really is the best part of bring a teacher!!