19 Weeks
I'm back at school this week and posted a clip of my birth announcement on my teacher Instagram, so now some of my kids know (and are telling others). I also sat down today and tried to figure out our schedule next year, who is taking off and when (FMLA for me, personal leave for my husband), and it was depressing so I gave up. Ha. I'm grumpy to be back at work, we had SO MUCH FUN this break, but now that I'm here, I'm feeling ok, back to normal. Only 45 school days until Spring Break!!
Lemon loves talking to her brother, she calls him by the name we think we've chosen (maybe!) and calls herself Miss Elaina (from Daniel Tiger) and then blows raspberries on my stomach. He must think she's really funny already. She's always saying "Can I see your baby?" and then when I think she's going to be sweet I get a raspberry - hahahaa.
I am feeling pretty awesome. Just like my old self but without the wine, it's so sad (ha!). We went on a nature walk for an hour last night at Papago Park and it was lovely, and felt good to be outside in the fresh air. Ian and I hate the winter, and I'm pretty sure Lemon takes after us, so none of us wanted to leave the couch much over break, it was just too cold! Yesterday was beautiful and I'm happy we ventured outside and spent time among the trees and clouds.
18 Weeks
I go to take Lemon to Pump it Up this week and it was so fun! We went with our friends Penny and Julie and then met up with Miranda, Jason and Jonah for lunch after.
Auntie Christie got Lemon roller skates for Christmas so of course we had to try them out (once her safety gear arrived). Good thing we have a huge empty room (her new big girl room we are working on!) to roller skate in! Ian came home while we both had our skates on and thought we were crazy, but I had so much fun. I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard, and she got the hang of it, a little bit! We need to practice more!
We also took her to a decorated house in Scottsdale called Winter Wonderland. It was magical.
We went in for our gender ultrasound this week and brought Lemon - it was the coolest! We already know that our babe is a boy, because of a blood test, but we got to see so much of him and so did Lemon, it was amazing. She kept saying "aw cute!" and laughed so hard when she saw his boy parts. It was one of the best days of my life.
The tech said that baby was really cooperative and turned in every direction she wanted him to, and made her job super easy. She mentioned it a bunch and kept saying that she hopes it's indicative of how he is when he comes out, a good boy. I hope so too!
The tech said that baby was really cooperative and turned in every direction she wanted him to, and made her job super easy. She mentioned it a bunch and kept saying that she hopes it's indicative of how he is when he comes out, a good boy. I hope so too!
(He gave us the peace sign!)
We went to see The Good Dinosaur and also to breakfast with Ian's parents.
Pregnancy cravings are real and for the past couple of weeks I've been talking about Cousins Maine Lobster's Lobster Tots. Their truck was only 8 minutes from us tonight so I went there to get some, I was the first in line and got them to go while Ian and Lemon ate tacos. SO YUMMY. I ate half of them before I remembered to take a picture! Oh my goodness, as I write this, I wish I had them again!!
Our last weekend night called for some ice cream after dinner at one of our fave spots, Sweet Republic! It also called for a late night dance party (after)!
17 Weeks
The weekend after Christmas we did a lot of laying around. I was worn out, was recovering from a cold, and Lemon randomly threw up right before Christmas so we decided to take it easy. It was so nice to just laze around, cuddle on the couch and play with all of her new Christmas toys - we loved it!
I wonder if baby boy will have blue eyes and blonde curls like Lemon?
Every other night during break I let Lemon sleep in our bed. I LOVE sleeping with her and she loves sleeping in "mommy's bed," it's a total treat for both of us. I'm going to miss this!! :(
I will miss daily naps too, and after nap time snuggles. :(
A friend from high school was in town so she had us all over to her parent's house to decorate cookies. So fun to get together with all of these ladies, it's not often you get friends of 20 plus years together!
On December 21st, Lemon got to feel baby boy kick! Ian felt it the night before and I knew Lemon would be able to as well, so we tried and Ian snapped this pic. It was so cool!!
We went to our first Christmas party the weekend before school got out. Lemon got to see her two favorite babies - Bronson and Valli. She loved baby Bronson and taking pictures (and seeing them interact) made me see a glimpse of our future and I loved it. I can't wait for her to be a big sister!!
After months and months (seriously since summer) of asking, we finally got Lemon and Jonah in the tub together. They actually took TWO baths together over our break - so fun and cute!! After some dinner smooches, of course.
Lemon was eating ice - hence the crazy face!
We did Christmas right this year and went to all of the Christmas events way before the holiday craziness set in, and on weeknights! The train park was cold but super fun on a Monday night, and I love Lemon in winter gear!
Last day of school calls for a sweater my good friend Lauren got me, my thoughts exactly!
Brittany, our nanny, also watched our friend Qiana's son, Will, along with Lemon on our very last day. These two had so much fun and we got to watch Will for a bit after we got home too. Love this guy!
Pregnancy leg problems? Lay on the floor with your feet up (I put mine on a giant ottoman of ours). Any time my legs feel sore or restless, this helps. I lay until my legs/feet get all tingly, it's the best (and I think what saved me from swollen feet/legs last time)!
Winter break snuggles! This was just the start, I wish we could go back to this, I want to do it all over again!!! :(
Our first day of break was spent getting ready for the craziest party I've ever thrown and been too - a toddler cookie party! There were over 15 toddlers at our house, along with 25 adults, and it was too cold to go outside so we were all inside. It was nuts but fun!
New haircut/dye first!
Pre cookie party gingerbread house construction.
After the party, the next night, Lemon spent the night at my mom's so I could go to Ian's annual Christmas show. I had such a blast with my friends and sisters-in-law, even though I couldn't drink!

You're an inspiring person!