This week I am honored to feature Kristyn from Kennedy's Collections. I "met" her on Instagram when she commented on a picture of Lemon and I doing yoga, saying that Lemon needed a pair of her very own yoga pants. After visiting her shop, I fell in love and she sent Lemon a pair of floral ones!
My shop is Kennedy's Collections (on Etsy) and I am on Instagram and Facebook.
Tell us about what you make/sell in your shop.
We make clothing and accessories for babies and toddlers. Our sizes start at 0-3 (preemie upon request) up to a size 6. Our turbans/headbands and bow ties are for all ages. Our most popular items are yoga pants, leggings, shorts, skirts and different styles of headbands.
We make clothing and accessories for babies and toddlers. Our sizes start at 0-3 (preemie upon request) up to a size 6. Our turbans/headbands and bow ties are for all ages. Our most popular items are yoga pants, leggings, shorts, skirts and different styles of headbands.
How long have you been in business?
started our Etsy shop in August of last year making tutus, headbands
and leg warmers. We transitioned into leggings around October and my
love for sewing anything and everything just continues to grow. You name
it, I'll make it! ;)
What is your background (college/career/etc.)?
I graduated from the University of Kentucky with a degree in Psychology. I taught preschool in California, after graduating, and taught Kindergarten when I moved back to Kentucky, a few years later. I've honestly just always wanted to be a mom more than anything. Now, I get to be the best mom I can be while creating items I love!
Tell us a little bit about your family.
I moved to Kentucky from LA in January 2007 as a transfer student to the University of Kentucky. I met my husband 5 days later when I went up and asked him to be my friend - no joke! I saw him at a party and knew I had to meet him ;) I moved back home after graduating and we continued a long distance relationship for a year and a half. He was visiting me in California and we decided we couldn't do the distance any longer - just a couple of hours before heading to the airport to drop him off. I quit my job as a preschool teacher the next day, broke the news to my super tight family, said my goodbyes and 3 days later we drove 3 days to Kentucky! We got married in July 2012, got pregnant pretty quick and had Kennedy in May 2013. I'm now a Californian turned - Kentuckian and loving life as a mommy and wife!
I moved to Kentucky from LA in January 2007 as a transfer student to the University of Kentucky. I met my husband 5 days later when I went up and asked him to be my friend - no joke! I saw him at a party and knew I had to meet him ;) I moved back home after graduating and we continued a long distance relationship for a year and a half. He was visiting me in California and we decided we couldn't do the distance any longer - just a couple of hours before heading to the airport to drop him off. I quit my job as a preschool teacher the next day, broke the news to my super tight family, said my goodbyes and 3 days later we drove 3 days to Kentucky! We got married in July 2012, got pregnant pretty quick and had Kennedy in May 2013. I'm now a Californian turned - Kentuckian and loving life as a mommy and wife!
How does this company help your family?
I taught Kindergarten for a few years before having Kennedy. I loved my job - the kids, my coworkers and the change I knew I was making in the children's lives. I had Kennedy on the last day of school before summer break. I couldn't imagine spending all day with 25 children while my ONE child's day was being spent with someone I didn't know. I knew I needed to do something to help contribute to my family and Kennedy's Collections has been the biggest blessing for us.
Did you ever think you'd be doing this? What did you think you'd be doing instead?
No, I didn't! I always wanted to be a mom and I've always loved to make things, so I now get to do both!
Does anyone help you with your shop?
My mom actually moved to Kentucky to be near her granddaughter and my husband and I (really more her than us, I'm sure!). She is here just about every day sewing away with me!
How do you find time to run your shop and create products?
It's tough! I don't want to work when Kennedy is awake so I depend on
her 2 naps to get my work done. I sew a lot after she goes to bed until late at
night, but I know spending time with my husband is important too. I try
to keep a few nights a week dedicated to quality time with him as well.
What do you love about this businesses?
What do you love about this businesses?
I love that I am able to be home with Kennedy while contributing to our family. I'm very grateful that I am able to do so. I also love meeting other moms, who run their own shops, and finding amazing products to purchase for my daughter and family. Shopping handmade has become my preferred way of shopping.
Where do you see your shop in the future?
I hope to keep growing and growing! I joke with my husband that we need to move
just so I can have an awesome basement, turned sewing room/office. Right
now our dining room is our "shop." :)
Tell us your favorite product or your most favorite thing you've created?
I'd have to say it's our yoga pants! I love yoga pants myself so it's so fun to see little ones wearing them. They are super comfortable and super cute at the same time. We also do personalized yoga pants which turn out absolutely adorable. I also love our personalized blankets!! I like that these are something that will be cherished forever. I still have my baby blanket and I hope a lot of people will grow up and look back on their Kennedy's Collections baby blanket too. ;) I also LOVE the skirts we make, they look adorable on every age.
I'd have to say it's our yoga pants! I love yoga pants myself so it's so fun to see little ones wearing them. They are super comfortable and super cute at the same time. We also do personalized yoga pants which turn out absolutely adorable. I also love our personalized blankets!! I like that these are something that will be cherished forever. I still have my baby blanket and I hope a lot of people will grow up and look back on their Kennedy's Collections baby blanket too. ;) I also LOVE the skirts we make, they look adorable on every age.
What is the most challenging part of
this business? Do you have any advice for future mom-entrepreneurs?
The hardest part is balancing time. I have this business so that I can stay home with my daughter so when she is awake my focus is on her, not work. My dishes may not always be done, and the bed not always made, but I've learned that it's okay. My advice is to focus on why you are doing what you are doing, and if you don't love every bit of it - don't do it.
What are some of YOUR favorite shops/products, besides your own?
The hardest part is balancing time. I have this business so that I can stay home with my daughter so when she is awake my focus is on her, not work. My dishes may not always be done, and the bed not always made, but I've learned that it's okay. My advice is to focus on why you are doing what you are doing, and if you don't love every bit of it - don't do it.
What are some of YOUR favorite shops/products, besides your own?
Oh my, this is a tough one. I love buying handmade and supporting other mompreneurs. I know how hard WAHM's work so I think supporting each other is important. I buy a ton of items off of Instagram and Etsy and feel honored to help other mom shops because I know how much it means to them.

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